


時間:2024/7/23 10:25:32     企業:歐洲機床與智能制造網




-X axis: from 6000 mm and more

-Y axis: 1300 mm

-Z axis: 2500 mm

-Max. power spindle motor: 60 kW (S1)

-Max. torque spindle motor: 600 Nm (S1)

-Axes feed rate: 30 m/min


X axis: from 6000 mm and more

Y axis: 1600 mm

Z axis: 3000 mm

Max. power spindle motor: 60 kW (S1)

Max. torque spindle motor: 600 Nm (S1)

Axes feed rate: 30 m/min


X axis: from 6000 mm and more

Y axis: 1600 mm

Z axis: 3500 mm

Max. power spindle motor: 40 kW (S1)

Max. torque spindle motor: 1200 Nm (S1)

Axes feed rate: 30 m/min


X axis: from 6000 mm and more

Y axis: 1600 - 1800 mm

Z axis: 4000 - 5000 mm

Max. power spindle motor: 40 kW (S1)

Max. torque spindle motor: 1200 Nm (S1)

Axes feed rate: 25 m/min




X axis: from 2500 mm and more

Y axis: 2200 - 3000 mm

Z axis: 1000 - 1500 mm

Axes feed rate: 100 m/min




X axis: from 4550 mm and more

Y axis: 3000 - 4000 mm

Z axis: 1500 - 2000 - 2500 mm

Max. drive power: 60 kW (S1)

Max. drive torque: 600 Nm (S1)

Axes feed rate: 40 m/min




X axis: from 7500 mm and more

Y axis: 4000 - 5000 - 6000 - 7000 mm

Z axis: 1500 - 2000 mm

Max. drive power: 40 kW (S1)

Max. drive torque: 1200 Nm (S1)

Axes feed rate: 30 m/min





X axis: from 6000 mm and more

Y axis: 4000 - 5000 - 6000 - 7000 mm

Z axis: 1500 - 2000 mm

Max. drive power: 40 kW (S1)

Max. drive torque: 1200 Nm (S1)

Axes feed rate: 30 m/min


6、意大利MECOF美卡福五軸聯動立式加工中心UMILL 1500/1800


X axis travel: 1800 mm

Y axis travel: 2150 mm

Z axis travel: 1250 mm

Axes feed rate: 60 m/min


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